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Isoprenoid Society
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Czech Chemical Society
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University of Chmistry and Technology, Prague
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Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies

Scientific Committee

Prof. DSc., Joint Stock Company “Research and Production Center “Phytochemistry”, Karaganda, KZ

Prof. RNDr. DSc., University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, CZ

Prof. PhD., University of Eastern Piedmont. Novara, IT

Prof. Dr., University of Bonn, DE.

Prof. DSc., Member of AS BY, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, AS BY, Minsk, BY

Prof. dr hab., Białystok University, PL

Prof. ing. CSc., Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, Prague, CZ

Prof. PhD,, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, IT

Prof. Dr. hab., Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok, PL

Local Organizing Committee

Prof. RNDr. DSc., University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, CZ

Prof. ing. CSc., Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, Prague, CZ

RNDr. PhD, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ

RNDr., Czech Chemical Society, CZ

RNDr. PhD, Betulinines, Stříbrná Skalice, CZ

Ing. PhD, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, CZ

Ing., Czech Chemical Society, CZ


OlChemIm was founded in 1991, just after the „Velvet Revolution“ in Czechoslovakia, with the desire to produce the highest quality cytokinins and their immunoreagents, and to provide services to go with them. Over a decade later OlChemIm is an established leader and supplier of plant growth regulators and their immunodiagnostics to world markets. 

SciTech was founded for a simple reason, it was not possible to do legally and properly what the professional and scientific community needed in the business field. The establishment of the company was a logical outcome of business-oriented activities, which began to crystallize around 1985.
SciTech is a source of special chemicals and pheromone dispensers i.a.

Betulinines company emerged from the activities of Charles University Natural Science Faculty triterpene research group in 2007 as a spin-off. Recently the company serves as unique source of triterpenes and as a partner for custom organic synthesis. Betulinies is also a source of "hand made" cosmetics with healing triterpenes under the brand "be2la" (from Betula alba).

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