"For Achievements in Natural Products Research"


In 2020 the first Kenji Mori Medal was awarded to
Takayoshi Awakawa, Ph.D.
Asociate Professor from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
Dr. Awakawa is a holder of several awards, namely from the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, The Society for Actinomycetes Japan, Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, and The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy, and author of over 60 scientific papers.
Isoprenoid Society awarded this talented young scientist the Medal for his interdisiplinary work in the field of natural products. 


In 2022 the second Kenji Mori Medal was awarded to
Miroslav Kvasnica, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor from the Faculty of Natural Science, Palacký University in Olomouc and senior researcher at the Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences.
He has focused his research primarily in the design and synthesis of novel isoprenoids, mostly steroids and triterpenes, for medicinal (e.g. antitumor, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory) or agricultural (plant growth regulation) use. Author and co-author of over 40 scientific papers. 

      Isoprenoid Society, decided in 2019 to use the legacy of prof. Mori, honorary life fellow of the Society, by a medal, which shall be prevalently given at the Conference on Isoprenoids to one young scientist for the field of natural products research. The awardee will be selected on the proposal from anyone by the Society Executive Committee. The Executive Committee can decide on more or other awardees if it will be found necessary.

     The awardee shall be invited to read a lecture at the “next” Conference on Isoprenoids.

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